Does anyone blog anymore? It's been a long time since I've updated here- almost two years. I feel like this is a bit of a shout into the wilderness. The viewership to this site dwindled down to just a few peeks here or there. I am like most people, I have found the ever quicker ways of seeing what's going on in the world of art and design- through pinterest, instagram etc. So, why keep up with this site?
Well, after some time away from doing shows or any big projects, I am ready to make things again, beyond my own personal sphere. I have instagram, but it has become too private (and boring!) to keep public. So here is an update, in a few moments, of what life has looked like for me.
A new baby. And no longer a 'new' baby- now, a one year old little boy, who puts his hands in the toilet and batteries in his mouth and always has a bruised forehead.
A new home. We moved about 15 months ago and are finally feeling settled in. Walls are painted, new furniture arranged, pictures, curtains and book shelves have been put up... lots of hours invested here.
Day to day normal things- finding Waldo, setting off rockets, walking, swimming, hotdogs, holidays...
And little projects here and there with my kids. My 6 year old daughter and I made coloring books for cousins and friends last Christmas.
Life at home with children has consumed me (in a good and powerful way) and inspired me. I am happy to announce I will be participating in the second storie show in November. I have set up my workspace with drying racks, a power washer, a sewing machine and a printing station- I'll give some updates, in the weeks to come, of all the new things I am making. The first image of this post is of a ribbon I made for my cousin's wedding. I'll be bringing a few of these with me in November.